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Beautiful Paintings of Graffiti on Vans

New York artist Kevin Cyr paints the artfully graffitied vans and vehicles of his Brooklyn neighbourhood.

Clarizza Fernandez
October 26, 2011


Ever since I started watching How to Make it in America I started noticing more and more graffitied vans looking very much like the Rasta Monsta van from the show. Although it's taken watching the television show to notice run-down but artfully graffitied vans about town, illustrated vans make quite an interesting addition to the otherwise boring-coloured vehicles that line the streets of the city.

New York artist Kevin Cyr takes this admiration of cars-as-mobile-canvases-for-graffiti to another level. His Van Series of oil and silkscreen paintings capture the finer details of twenty vans and vehicles found in Brooklyn, NY, and take note of the commercial aspect of vehicles otherwise dismissed as well past their used-by date.

[via Flavorwire]