When Yo came out we thought it was totally ridiculous. A single use app that just sends the word 'Yo' to your friends, it seemed like another sign of the world going app crazy — a new age equivalent of the creepy and superfluous Facebook poke. (Seriously, that thing was solely used by your grandparents and first-time flirters). But, despite our cynicism, the app took off in a big way and has now led the way for something even better. Working in exactly the same as Yo, but bearing a different message, Beer?! has been born. Finally saving your text-tired thumbs from making six separate motions on the keypad, Beer?! allows you to assemble your drinking buds with a single effective motion. There's no ambiguity; no unique invitation to be carefully crafted. Beer?! is as simple as it gets. It's about drinking beer. Soon. Possibly with you. With no emojis, no timestamps and no awkward 'seen' messages, single use apps like Beer?! have a strangely alluring appeal. As people become increasingly confounded with their smartphone's latest fandangled features and constantly evolving uses, simplicity like this is looking pretty good. Available now from the app store, it helps that the service is both free to download and free to use. It also comes with a surprising endorsement from Portugal The Man. So, that's something. Of course, to use the app properly you'll have to arrange some details in advance. Your friend is only able to communicate with the word 'Beer?!' so you'll need to figure out if a reply equals confirmation, and if so, where you'll be heading. There's never been a better time to adopt a pub as your local. We'd advise you to just call them, but really, that would defeat the whole purpose. Via PSFK. Photo credit: Daveybot via photopin cc.