Ball Park Music

Sometimes, to be nice, I’ll say that ‘you really must see this band before they hit it big, like, Bon Iver big’ but this time it’s true. You must go and see BPM now or you’ll be kicking yourself when all their shows sell out in half an hour and even Yeezy’s gotta wait to sample them on his next record.
Cate Gilpin
Published on October 11, 2011


Oh Ball Park Music, when I think of you a smile spreads across my face.  You are a happy bunch of little hipsters that make beautiful music together!

It’s infinitely exciting when a Brisbane band makes good, and these kids have.  They are totally The Next Big Thing (a la Custard, Regurgitator and Powderfinger) and oh, it is so wonderful to watch this happen.

So, a quick run down on the back story: in early 2009 BPM released their first EP and received airplay on Triple J, and lots of positive attention.  In late 2009 they released their second EP and the love continued, they got even more airplay and began touring around Queensland and then interstate with lots of great Aussie bands.  They did this throughout 2010 and into 2011 and now those clever chickens have released their first album ‘Happiness and Surrounding Suburbs’, yay!

This is happy, lovely, laugh inducing music, and you should all listen to it!  Now, BPM are headlining their own tours on the back of their first album, and are playing at the Zoo this week.

Sometimes, to be nice, I’ll say that ‘you really must see this band before they hit it big, like, Bon Iver big’ but this time it’s true. You must go and see BPM now or you’ll be kicking yourself when all their shows sell out in half an hour and even Yeezy’s gotta wait to sample them on his next record.

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