Blackbutt Avocado Festival 2017

Head west for Australia's only dedicated avocado festival.
Sarah Ward
Published on September 04, 2017


It's the tasty green fruit we all loved smashed on toast, dipped on corn chips and turned into fries, and it's the edible substance in the spotlight on September 9. Forget ill-thought-out criticisms about brunching versus buying a house, and head west for Australia's only dedicated avocado festival.

If you haven't been to Blackbutt, about two hours drive from Brissie, then the annual Blackbutt Avocado Festival is just the excuse you need. Set off early to enjoy an avocado brekkie, or mosey on over during the day for everything from cooking and competitions to markets and live music — and if the later doesn't find a way to work avo into every song, you're allowed to pretend otherwise.

As well as just generally revelling in the food of the moment, highlights include snacking on avocado ice cream and avocado cheese cake from the canteen, wearing your best avo costume, and participating in avo juggling, the avo toss and the avo roll. Yes, they all involve throwing or otherwise moving the bumpy fruit. And yes, prizes are up for grabs.


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