Brisbane Comics and Arts Festival

Exploring Australian comics, illustration, storytelling and art.
Sarah Ward
Published on October 10, 2018


Netherworld and Junky Comics are joining forces to unleash a new venture: the very first Brisbane Comics and Arts Festival. Consider it a slice of the latter coming to the former, with the event taking place from 10am on Sunday, November 4 within Netherworld's game-filled home on Brunswick Street.

Running until 2pm, the fest will showcase homegrown comics, illustration, storytelling and art, with folks on hand to chat about their pieces — and sell them. All artists involved will have a table highlighting their wares, and you'll be able to buy and take their art home with you. There'll also be a BCAF zine featuring everyone on the roster.

For its maiden outing, BCAF is calling itself a mini-fest, but you know how the old cliche goes — good things come in small packages, and all that. With that in mind, the event marks the beginning of a planned annual series of festivals, so prepare to add it to your yearly calendar.

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