Brisbane Rum Revolution

More than 40 distilleries are headed to Albion's Craft'd Grounds for a huge rum-fuelled afternoon — with over 100 different varieties on offer.
Sarah Ward
Published on May 12, 2022


If you live in Brisbane and rum is mentioned, everyone's minds jump to one particular tipple: Bundaberg Rum. But it isn't the only variety of boozy sugar cane juice on offer — not by far. Fancy widening your rum repertoire? Feel like experimenting? Keen to learn more about this molasses-based liquor? Enter Brisbane Rum Revolution, a new afternoon-long festival that'll have you sipping and tasting not just one rum, or a few, but more than 100 different rums from its hefty menu.

Running from 1–6pm on Saturday, May 14 at Albion's Craft'd Grounds (and calling itself Australia's biggest-ever rum festival), the new event is playing host to 40-plus rum distilleries. It's also showcasing rums from South America, the Caribbean, the UK and locally, so prepared to be spoiled for choice. That lineup includes brand new tipples, as well as Brisbane Rum Revolution exclusives that you won't find elsewhere.

Also on the agenda as part of your $89 ticket: live music, pop-up bars and food trucks, as well as cocktails galore. And, of course, saying cheers with a rum in your hand again and again.

And, you can book into a masterclass with Don Papa Rum, Beenleigh Rum, Milton Rum, Rum Co of Fiji and more for an extra $10 a pop.

Top image: Milton Rum.

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