DA'Burger West End Grand Opening

The growing burger chain is celebrating the opening of its third store with free burgs.
Sarah Ward
Published on November 08, 2018


After slinging massive burgers in New Farm for years, and adding a second Ascot store just this past August, DA'Burger is expanding again. From Sunday, November 25, it'll add West End to its growing empire — and a week later, it's giving away free burgs to celebrate.

Settling into the 56 Boundary Street space that Copperface Jacks previously called home, DA'Burger West End will host its grand opening from 11.30am on Saturday, December 1. We'd suggest getting there early, as 200 free burgers will be up for grabs for the first customers through the door. You'll be able to tuck into either a DA'Burger with cheese or a DA'Vegan burger without spending a cent. That's right, no other purchase is necessary.

If you keep an eye on the chain's social media, you'll also be able to stop by between November 25 and December 1 for another 200 freebies. Those dates and times will be announced closer to the giveaways.

Hungry customers will also find a bigger menu to mark the store's bigger premises, including three function spaces and the room to make their patties in-house. Drinks-wise, there'll be 12 beers on tap, which sounds like a pretty ace way to wash down your burg of choice.

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