The Hamlet Apocalypse — The Danger Ensemble
Shakespeare gets a shake up.
When The Danger Ensemble decided to stage a run of Hamlet, they clearly took its opening soliloquy a little differently than most. To be a normal version of Shakespeare's famous play, or to give the Bard a shake up? Now that is the question.
If the title doesn't give their answer away, then the fact that The Hamlet Apocalypse sends the titular Danish prince into a dystopian scenario might — this isn't your high school rendering of the classic tragedy. Here, seven actors enter the stage, set the production on the eve on an apocalypse and even throw a silent dance party in for good measure.
If you've seen the outfit's previous striking works such as Sons of Sin, The Wizard of Oz, Loco Maricon Amor and CALIGULA, or their version of Macbeth earlier this year, then you'll know this is must-see entertainment. If not, you're in for a theatrical treat that'll change the way you look at the iconic play. In the words of the text itself, "though this be madness, yet there is method in't."
Image: Morgan Roberts.