Hawaiian Shirt Pinball Party

With pineapple punch cocktails and plenty of fast pinball action.
Sarah Ward
Published on March 01, 2018


On any old night of the week, Brisbanites can wander down to Netherworld, pop a few tokens into their chosen machines and spend a flipping great evening immersed in pinball. That's not about to change; however if you head by from 5pm on March 6, you'll find yourself in the middle of a Hawaiian Shirt Pinball Party.

Never thought twice about what you're wearing when you're watching a silver ball bounce around a table? Never even contemplated donning a Hawaiian shirt while you're in the pinball zone? It's a combination requested by Jessica Lea DeNardo, host of American podcast The Pinball Podcast and creator of the Belles & Chimes Portland Ladies Pinball Club, who'll be onsite for this tropical get-together.

Also on offer is Netherworld's usual fortnightly Brisbane Pinball Club shenanigans, pineapple punch cocktails, themed food specials from the kitchen and prizes for the best outfit.

Tap and select Add to Home Screen to access Concrete Playground easily next time. x