Making Place: 100 Views of Brisbane

With artwork dating back two centuries, this city-focused exhibition surveys more than 100 pieces that've captured Brisbane and its changes.
Sarah Ward
Published on March 24, 2022


Gather a group of people together, then ask them to describe Brisbane as seen their own eyes — and, no matter how many answers you get, it'll be full of wildly varying takes. That's what the Museum of Brisbane's exhibition Making Place: 100 Views of Brisbane presents, but via pieces of art depicting the city, with works dating back as far as the 1820s.

Obviously, Brissie has undergone a wealth of changes in the past two centuries — and if someone captured it on a canvas, it's likely on display here. As the name makes plain, there are at least 100 different views of the city included in this showcase, all helping to ponder this town of ours as it was, is and might be moving forward.

Making Place: 100 Views of Brisbane first debuted in March 2022 and is still on display — running from 10am–5pm daily — complete with a refresh in July 2023. Some pieces were rotated out, others moved in, with additions spanning works by Margaret Olley, Robert Brownhall, Ruth Cho, Joe Furlonger, Gwendolyn Grant, William Bustard and Stephen Nothling.

Brisbane-based production house Dead Puppet Society (Ishmael, The Wider Earth) has also contributed an interactive memory map that you can contribute to — focusing on feelings rather than topography.

And, you can now take a new self-guided audio tour of the exhibition voiced by 2022 Writer in Residence Pat Hoffie.

Updated: August 28, 2023. Images: Katie Bennett / Josh Woning.


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