Pecha Kucha

Pioneered by Klein Dytham Architecture, the concept of Pecha Kucha is simple: Presenting designers get twenty slides for their presentation of work and/or ideas, with twenty seconds of airtime per slide.
Kirstie Sequitin
Published on September 12, 2011


Attention spans are waning in this digital age. Studies have shown that most people will spend just nine seconds looking at a webpage – information is digested fast or not at all. It’s not exactly a bad trait to have; in fact, if you use it correctly it’s almost like a superpower! You could be a superhero who absorbs information on lolcats and the random article button on Wikipedia at lightning speed and uses it to fight evil!
But if you’re not ready to wear your undies on the outside of your lycra suit, head down to the Powerhouse for Pecha Kucha, an event that has become a worldwide phenomenon since its humble beginnings in Tokyo. Pioneered by Klein Dytham Architecture, the concept of Pecha Kucha is simple: Presenting designers get twenty slides for their presentation of work and/or ideas, with twenty seconds of airtime per slide. The result is a presentation that is concise, to-the-point, interesting and stimulating - even more so than Chuckles the red fox (and hopefully much less creepy). Go ahead and get inspired, because you’re more likely to be a creative visionary than the internet’s Clark Kent - you just need a push in the right direction.

Image credit: Camera Obscura via Brisbane Powerhouse


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