QAGOMA Store Winter Design Market 2021 — POSTPONED

Shop for Brisbane's best art and design across four weekend markets.
Sarah Ward
Published on July 09, 2021


UPDATE, AUGUST 11: Due to Brisbane's current COVID-19 situation, the QAGOMA Store Winter Design Market has been postponed. New dates have not been advised as yet — we'll update you when they're announced.


Winter is all about staying indoors — and you want those interiors to look as great as possible. Art and design lovers, that's where the Queensland Art Gallery and Gallery of Modern Art's annual Winter Design Market comes in. Browse, buy and then prepare to get cosy.

Find jewellery, ceramics, textiles, homewares and clothing and more at this popular market, which will feature an array of stalls when it takes over the GOMA forecourt from 9am–4pm across four Saturdays — on July 31, and August 7, 14 and 21. Don't go giving their official store a miss either. Take the time to peruse the GOMA collection of books and art, and thank us for the tip later.

Remember: cute design wares can sometimes call for cash, as EFTPOS facilities might not be available at all sellers. And while GOMA will host another design market once the silly season rolls around, getting your gift shopping out of the way now will make you feel like Christmas has come early.


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