Quilty, Olley and Turrell Up Late
Party in the art gallery after hours.
Whenever a new exhibition graces the Gallery of Modern Art's walls, it's reason enough to stop by. Until October, two huge and free showcases are doing the honours: one dedicated to Margaret Olley, and the other to Ben Quilty. But, something else exciting happens regularly at GOMA, too. When its major exhibitions are in full swing, the South Bank venue often throws open its doors after hours for a few huge parties.
Those shindigs have been badged Up Late for obvious reasons, and they're back. Running from 5.30pm on Fridays between August 2–30, the Quilty, Olley and Turrell Up Late series will bring some fun to winter, courtesy not only of art, but live music, food, drinks, pop-ups and talks. And, they're highlighting something else as well — the gallery's permanent James Turrell light installation, because it's always worth celebrating.
Music-wise, the lineup is also cause for cheer, complete with local legends Custard, the hip hip sounds of The Herd, plus Clare Bowditch, Midnight Oil's Jim Moginie and more. Or, you can provide the tunes yourself as part of Pub Choir, which is hitting up the fun for a stint of communal singing.