Small Lakes Launch Party

If you’re an emerging artist or producer it can be pretty daunting when you’re trying to establish your practice.
Kirstie Sequitin
Published on November 23, 2011


If you’re an emerging artist or producer it can be pretty daunting when you’re trying to establish your practice – especially if you’re doing it solo and you’ve got no money behind you. “What’s an invoice? How do I write a grant? I’m artistic okay, I don’t know what these things do or what they’re for” may be some of the thoughts flowing around the gunk in your brain (or maybe that’s just me) and all you need is someone with their head screwed onto their shoulders so that you don’t actually go crazy and quit before you’ve even begun.

And that’s where Small Lakes comes in. They’re a not-for-profit organisation newly established by a group of people who have been working in and for the business for quite a while now – they’ll help you get your shit together, basically. And they’re going to have a launch party to celebrate this union of them + you – you’re invited, obviously. Oh Ye Denver Birds, Hunz and Restream will provide jams for your ears with K, Jaymis and Warren Handley providing the jams for your eyes (um, that means a visual installation). There’ll be art too, and a cash bar. Happy Small Lakes! We all deserveneed a celebration.

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