Sound Off at Sea
Bend and stretch at this silent disco yoga session by the sea.
Once you've brought mountain pose to Mt Coot-tha, bridge pose to Kurilpa Bridge, balancing cat pose to Boggo Road Gaol and plenty of activity to Pat Rafter Arena, what comes next? Getting Brisbane's yoga lovers to unleash their flexibility on a pier.
That's Sound Off at Sea, Urban Bliss Yoga's latest adventurous exercise outing, which is taking place at Shorncliffe. Expect to bend and stretch while you've standing over water — and whip out your liveliest sun salutation as the fiery ball of heat descends for the day.
Taking place on Sunday, February 10, eager yogis will head north for this exercise session, with all of the fun kicking off at 4.30pm. And, thanks to the illuminated headphones everyone will be wearing, there'll be quite the glow coming from the class as well. Everyone from yoga first-timers to asana experts are welcome — as long as you BYO yoga mat — but tickets are expected to get snapped up quickly.