Spring Launch Party

With live music, $5 pizzas and $9 spritzes.
Sarah Ward
Published on August 28, 2018


There's something about the beginning of spring that makes everyone want to throw a party, and Salt Meats Cheese is no different. The eatery's Gasworks store might be waiting until Saturday, September 8 to officially welcome the season, but it's doing so in the best possible way — with $5 pizzas and $9 Aperol spritzes.

At the restaurant's Spring Launch Party, you'll need to buy the latter to get the former, but we don't think that's going to be an issue for anyone keen to go along. In fact, we'd recommend arriving hungry and thirsty — at those prices, who can stop at just one?

The shindig runs from 1–5pm only, so consider it a late lunch. Unsurprisingly, bookings are essential. In keeping with the sunny mood, there'll also be live music by Eddie Gazani's Gypsy Adventures to help you while away a cocktail- and pizza-filled afternoon.

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