The Brightside Haunted House

Things get spooky on Warner Street.
Sarah Ward
Published on October 22, 2018


Most days of the year, there ain't no party like a Brightside party, and that proves true as Halloween approaches as well. They're not calling this year's annual shindig The Brightside Haunted House without good reason, even if it's happening a few days before the actual occasion.

Demonstrating the enthusiastic flair that regulars know and love, the Brighty folks will be transforming the entire venue into an unsettling heaven (or hell, if you prefer) from 9pm on Saturday, October 27. And if they're going out, then you should too — costumes are not only welcome, but will be rewarded by treats... or maybe some tricks.

Entry costs $12.75, DJs will be spinning spooky tunes all night — and for the rest of the evening's agenda, prepare to jump. We mean that in both the tapping your toes and getting more than a few surprises kinds of way, so don't say we didn't warn you.

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