Thum Prints - Queensland Symphony Orchestra

A one-mouth band meets the Queensland Symphony Orchestra meets the Thin White Duke.
Sarah Ward
Published on August 25, 2015


If you think you've seen Tom Thum — aka the beatboxing virtuoso Brisbane rightfully can't get enough of — do everything he can, well, think again. You might've seen the noisemaker produce the kind of sounds a human seemingly shouldn't, but you've never seen him join forces with groundbreaking composer Gordon Hamilton.

They're the first two drawcards at a musical watershed event that promises to blend jazz, hip hop and an off-the-wall Rite of Spring. There's one more element to get excited about, though, and that's the performance of Philip Glass’s Symphony No.4 — Heroes, based the seminal David Bowie/Brian Eno album. A one-mouth band meets the Queensland Symphony Orchestra meets the Thin White Duke. Now that can only equal something awesome.


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