It’s that time of year again - you probably remember the feeling from your primary years when the last, sweltering week of school was reserved for watching movies, stacking desks, and taking home those crazy art projects that you couldn’t quite recall your inspiration for and thus have taken on a personality independent of your own.
Think of that feeling, times it by one hundred, add a bachelor degree and a smattering of existential crises - now you’ll have an inkling for the vibe that is going down at QCA this month.
To That Which Is is the name of this year’s exhibition of graduating Fine Art and Media and Visual Art students from the Queensland College of Art. It is one of several graduate exhibitions occurring this month at Queensland’s premier art school and will feature works across a wide range of media from Brisbane’s most talented emerging artists.
Wednesday, November 23, 2011 - Saturday, November 26, 2011
Wednesday, November 23 - Saturday, November 26, 2011
Queensland College of Art226 Grey Street
South Bank