Wolf and Cub

The album’s not quite finished yet, but if you wanna get a taste of it before it’s released, head to Alhambra Lounge on Friday, where they’ll be wailing down the walls with tracks old and new.
Kirstie Sequitin
Published on June 22, 2011


I googled ‘Wolf & Cub’ to find a picture to go with this article and I found this. Hi, is that not the cutest thing ever? I don’t even… sorry, why am I looking at this again? Oh right, Wolf & Cub!  These Adelaideans might not be as cute as those two pups but I reckon they sound a hell of a lot better. Two years since releasing Science & Sorcery, Wolf & Cub have been relentlessly touring the country and in 2010 they were picked up by US label Last Gang Records, becoming labelmates with the likes of Death From Above 1979, Crystal Castles and Metric.

After the rollercoaster ride that has been the last two years, Wolf & Cub went into hiding at the end of 2010 to start work on their next album. Creating a makeshift home studio in Sydney, demos were made and a new Wolf & Cub sound formed. From there, they scooped up their new tracks and scurried into the studio with producer Burke Reid to lay down the groundwork on a shiny new album.

The album’s not quite finished yet, but if you wanna get a taste of it before it’s released, head to Alhambra Lounge on Friday, where they’ll be wailing down the walls with tracks old and new, supported by our own Teleprompter. While googling pictures of wolf cubs is a totally acceptable way to spend your Friday night, I can guarantee seeing Wolf & Cub will be a hell of a lot more fun.

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