YO!VO Festival

Stretch and celebrate the New Farm studio’s first birthday.


After a busy year of Rihanna, hip hop and other themed yoga classes, New Farm's Yo! Yoga are hitting the big one-oh. So, they're celebrating the best way they know how: with some bending, stretching, gratitude and mindfulness, all rolled into a one-day event.

That's the broad agenda at YO!VO Festival. As for the specific lineup, think Drake, The Weeknd and Beyonce-focused sessions, blissful workshops, and just ace vibes all round. Tickets cost $25, and then it's up to you how much you attend between 9.30am and 2pm.

In addition to all of the above, you'll also be able to stock up your activewear wardrobe, win prizes, and purchase food and drinks from some local favourites. They're the ones having the birthday, but everyone gets to enjoy the fun.


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