Zed Block Party

Party in the 4ZZZ carpark to celebrate Radiothon.
Sarah Ward
Published on August 14, 2017


Every year, the community radio-loving folks at 4ZZZ host Radiothon, endeavouring to increase their subscriber base and raise enough money to help keep the four-decade-old station running. 2017 is no different, of course, and neither is the return of another favourite: a good old-fashioned block party.

Taking place from midday on August 20, this Zed Block Party is all about two things: fundraising and mighty fine music. Your $5 entry fee will assist with the former, while DJ sets from Pass The Aux, SHOKU, Nick One and more have the later covered.

In between sets, keep the cash flowing by scoping out the station's merchandise tent, or munching your way through the on-site barbecue (complete with vegan options).

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