St Barts James Street

This high-end homewares and fashion house will have you forgetting IKEA in no time.
Caitlin McKenna
Published on May 10, 2021
Updated on May 12, 2021


Bohemian decor has been blowing up Pinterest for many years now and the trend doesn't look like it has any end in sight — especially not when you have super stylish stores like St Barts to champion it.

The Gold Coast-born homewares and furniture store opened in Brisbane in 2011 and has been touting its global fashion wares to locals ever since.

Inspired by global travel, the boutique sources fashion, fine furniture and handcrafted designs from all over the world. Focussing on the relaxed coastal beauty of the Caribbean with Moroccan-, Mediterranean- and Asian-inspired interiors, it's well-worth a visit to check out the broad range of wares (especially while you can't go overseas to source them yourself).


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