Win $1000 Worth of Rare Comic Books from Junky Comics

See for yourself what happens when bold humans take big creative chances.
Concrete Playground
Published on March 23, 2016

In partnership with

What would you do if you were a little less freaked out by consequences? Would you talk to more new people, fear a bit less, dance a little more like FKA Twigs, quit your desk job and start that business you've always wanted to give a red hot go?

Some sparkling young Australians are already flinging their inhibitions into a ziplock bag and seizing this little ol' life with both hands. Concrete Playground has teamed up with the Jameson crew to give you a sneak peek into the lives of bold characters who took a big chance on themselves. They've gone out on a limb and rewritten their path, encapsulating 'Sine Metu', the Jameson family motto which translates to 'without fear' — getting outside your comfort zone and trying something new. After all, we only get one shot at this. Take notes.

Dreaming big is easy. Following through on that dream — that's where the hard work begins. Junky Comics' owner Vlada Edirippulige knows this, but a year after opening her own store, she wouldn't have it any other way. Also known as illustrator Junky and as a member of local band Major Leagues, her commitment to boosting Brisbane's arts scene shows just what can happen when you embody  'Sine Metu', set your mind to something and throw caution to the wind. We had a chat to Vlada about how taking a big chance has paid off in a big way. You can read the interview over here.

Want to experience a little bit of 'Sine Metu' yourself? Vlada's being a total legend and helping us give away $1000 worth of rare comic books from her own Junky Comics collection, so you can see for yourself what happens when bold humans take big creative chances with big payoffs.

This whopping prize includes the complete Walking Dead series 1-23, Hip Hop Family Tree by Ed Piskor, the complete Scott Pilgrim colour hardcover series and The Complete Wimmen's Comix.


Enter here to win. And enjoy Jameson responsibly, folks.

Published on March 23, 2016 by Concrete Playground
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