We're Giving Away 'Lit' Book Sets by the Next Generation of Authors

Take a break from screen-time and add some new books to your summer reading list.
Melanie Colwell
Published on November 13, 2017

In partnership with

For us device-addicted youths, consuming content on non-back-lit material (otherwise known as paper) has become somewhat of a novelty. So, Australian publisher Pantera Press has decided to help change that by dedicating themselves to getting the digitised back into analogue. Its newest imprint, Lost the Plot, is aimed at publishing titles by millennials for millennials.

Launching with a curated but diverse selection of books, Lost the Plot instils Pantera Press's longstanding mission to support the next generation of writers and readers. And with titles like The Quit Smoking Colouring Book and Space is Cool as Fuck, they've also found that the book series even appeals to those who were way into adulthood when the popularity of books on good ol' fashioned paper began to decline.

Along with helping smokers quit mindfully and admiring the amazing 'AF' properties of the next frontier, the series brings writings on being #single: Dating in the 21st Century, as well as the complementary Just the Tip: Sex Tips for Chicks by Gay Dudes. They've got modern 21st-century living covered.

To celebrate the series' launch, we're giving away five book sets with all four titles included, so you can get back into the papery-stuff (without forgetting your friends at Concrete Playground, of course) and live your best millennial life. For your chance to win (and give your phone a break), see entry details below.

Published on November 13, 2017 by Melanie Colwell
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