Seven Degrees to Consider Based on Your Favourite Podcasts

Turn your podcast passion into a profession.
Imogen Baker
Published on August 09, 2019

In partnership with

Do you ever find yourself tuning in to your favourite podcast and then tuning back out again because you're fantasising about being on the podcast? Laughing along with the host, practising your hot takes on controversial topics, and, of course, planning your humble-brag post for when you announce it on social media? Come on, we all do it. If you're that passionate about your podcasts, you should consider turning that passion into a profession. Plus, it'll bring you one step closer to an invitation to speak on the podcast of your dreams.

Sure, launching into unknown career territory can be daunting, but it can also be rewarding. Luckily, Open Universities Australia (OUA) helps you find a degree to fit your goals, and study it online. So, no matter your physical proximity to the university running the course, or your life commitments, you can make it happen. Whether you're a first-time student, an aiming-to-finisher, or just looking to extend your career options by adding another notch to your belt, we know that half the battle is figuring out what you actually want to study. So, why not use the hours you've already dedicated to your favourite podcasts? Chances are your favourite genre might give you a pretty good clue as to what you're into. Read on to discover eight possible careers based on what you love to listen to.



Consider studying: Bachelor of Criminology and Criminal Justice with Griffith University or Bachelor of Criminal Justice with University of South Australia.

First up: excellent taste in podcast. Secondly: you're not alone in your ghoulish interest in murders and whodunits. This Aussie crime podcast has taken the world by storm — we seem to be morbidly fascinated in murder, assault and a bunch of gory details. Basically, Teacher's Pet gives you an insight into humanity's dark side. And if that presses your buttons, it could make you a great candidate for criminology or a criminal justice degree. If you're into uncovering bloodthirsty crimes, consider studying a criminology or a criminal justice degree online through OUA. It'll open you up to career opportunities in areas such as policing, correctional services or intelligence analysis.


Consider studying: Bachelor of Communication with Griffith University or with University of South Australia.

This news and current events podcast, produced by the crew behind publications The Monthly and The Saturday Paper, is a surefire way to know what's up. If you're an avid listener, it's likely that you're keen to keep up with what's going on in the world. Plus, if you're drawn to its punchy interviews and alternate analysis of news events, then you should strap in for a wild ride in communications and journalism. You'll learn all the tools you need to hold your own in interviews and produce stories that are engaging and that matter. And, when you study online through OUA, any previous relevant work experience you have may be counted, too.


Consider studying: Diploma in Science with University of New England.

If you were the kid who debunked Santa Claus with cold, hard reasoning, you probably now listen to Science Vs. And, if you get riled up by the hosts debunking science's greatest myths and fads, pitting them against scientists to get to the facts straight, then you should be firing up the bunsen burner. Or, you could start by studying a Diploma in Science. Studying will give you a broad understanding of all things science but, more importantly, train you to think with scientific reasoning. Once you've got that down pat, every day will be like an episode of Science Vs. And, when you enrol through OUA, you can get started on your tertiary path even if you don't have an ATAR or any relevant work experience.


Consider studying: Bachelor of Business or a Master of Business Administration (MBA), available from a range of universities.

Longtime listeners of Startup will be able to appreciate that running a business is not as easy as having a good idea — it takes an amazing amount of grind, too. Sure, there are office ping pong tables, nap pods and fridges full of beer (sometimes). But when working at one, you'll often need to wear a lot of hats. From HR issues and strategic planning one minute to thinking outside of the box and crunching numbers the next, the roles in newer companies are often blurred, so finding the right hat stand can be hard. But, if you're serious about joining a startup or building something of your own, a great place to start is with a Bachelor of Business. Or, you can level-up and undertake a Master of Business Administration. Plus, if you study through OUA, you'll be studying online, which means more time for you to work on your main hustle: building your very own startup.



Consider studying: Language subjects with Australian National University or a Graduate Certificate in TESOL with Bond University.

We're very visual creatures — now more so than ever before. So, you wouldn't think a travel podcast would have a hope in hell of hitting 500-plus episodes, let alone have a huge following. But Rick Steves' unambiguously titled podcast, Travel with Rick Steves, tells such rich, practical and linguistically driven stories that virtually transport you to another country instantly. It's also far more informative (and interesting) than envying your mate at Yacht Week via Instagram. So, if this podcast gives you itchy feet, consider planning a more immersive travel experience by learning another language. Or, if you're a native language wiz, consider studying a Graduate Certificate in TESOL so you can help others learn English. Not only will you be able to teach English as an additional language in Australia, but it may also open up teaching jobs around the world.


Consider studying: Bachelor of Education in Primary, Secondary or Early Childhood Education with Curtin University. 

Stuff You Should Know has been around for a while now. Investigating everyday topics and ideas, it teaches you a lot. If you've been tuning in to this podcast, chances are you're a keen learner — and you know a bunch of stuff. So, why not apply all this knowledge by educating the future generation. Your mates are probably bored of you monologuing at them about esoteric topics by now anyway. That said, you'll need a degree to be a teacher.  You can undertake a bachelor degree in primary, secondary or early childhood education and, if you struggle to decide between them, enrolling through OUA allows you to study single subjects and make up your mind once you've completed a few.


Consider studying: Bachelor of Food and Nutrition with La Trobe University.

Hey, you. Yeah, you over there. The one listening to Gastropod while scrolling through food-based Instagram accounts and eating a cronut. Your love for food is commendable. Not only are you probably able to justify splashing some serious cash at a new restaurant or breaking the bank on your weekly grocery run, but there are also so many career avenues that food can lead you to — think careers in nutrition, public health, agriculture or government. To get there, you can start by studying a Bachelor of Food and Nutrition with La Trobe University online through OUA. Also, studying online means you're not bound to eat at an on-campus cafeteria, which can only be a good thing.cp-line

Explore hundreds of degrees from leading universities, available online through Open Universities Australia. You could have a new skill by the end of the year. Hop to it.

Published on August 09, 2019 by Imogen Baker
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