Win a Double Pass to Climb Sydney Harbour Bridge During Vivid

Bright lights, big city, unbeatable view.
Melanie Colwell
Published on May 02, 2019

In partnership with

There are two things that every Sydneysider knows to be true. First: climbing the Harbour Bridge is a rite of passage that everyone must experience at least once in their lifetime (or multiple times — who's stopping you?).

And second: Vivid Sydney is crazy busy. Chaotic crowds are an inevitable by-product of the city's vibrant festival of art, music and ideas. But, now in its tenth year, Vivid's lineup is as epic and unmissable as ever.

If you want to get among the action but mingling with the masses is not really your jam, we have the perfect solution. BridgeClimb is again running its Vivid Climb experience. Ascending the iconic landmark, you will get access to one of the best vantage points from which to take in the harbour light show. This year, installations will extend from Circular Quay to Barangaroo, Darling Harbour and Luna Park.

But the altitude doesn't equal a lack of atmosphere with BridgeClimb installing a multi-coloured dance floor at the summit. As the harbour puts on a show below, you and your mates will don flashing vests and throw a legendary dance party on the 70s-style illuminated platform. Not only will you be ticking two Sydney must-dos off your list, you'll also get to do it while busting some sweet moves.

The Vivid Climb experience is taking place on all night climbs between Friday, May 24 and Saturday, June 15, and we have a double pass to give away. To be in the running, enter your details below. If you don't win, nab a ticket here.

Published on May 02, 2019 by Melanie Colwell
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