Sydney Is Getting Its Very Own Entrepreneur School

Makes sense, 46 percent of all Australian startups are based in Sydney.
Marissa Ciampi
Published on June 23, 2016

Sydney is taking a major page out of the globally progressive book with this week's announcement that the state government is creating an 'entrepreneur school' to advance the startup potential in NSW. The Sydney School of Entrepreneurship (SSE) will welcome students as early as 2017 from multiple partner universities, most notably Ultimo TAFE, where the new school is likely to be based.

The school is very smartly modelled on Sweden's renowned Stockholm School of Entrepreneurship, which is run by Australian Nick Kaye. More than one in three graduates of the Stockholm school have successfully launched startups, including two 'unicorns' – a startup valued at more than one-billion USD. If this is any indication of what can be accomplished in Sydney, we're in for a large influx of Mark Zuckerbergs over the coming years.

Sydney's the right city for what could become Australia's premier dedicated entrepreneur school. Industry minister Anthony Roberts reported that 46 percent of all Australian startups are based in Sydney and NSW accounts for 64 percent of the total in Australia.

So who's funding this? Iconic businessman Tony Shepherd is among backers, with the state budget set at a massive $25 million. But hey, you can't put a price tag on becoming the 'epicentre of entrepreneurship' in the entire Australasia region, now can you? The government has estimated that the tech startup sector could be worth $109 billion to the national economy and create 540,000 jobs by 2033.

So we're not enthused with the NSW Government's antiquated, catch-all lockout laws and general nanny state shenanigans, but we're pretty impressed with this new venture. The SSE is expecting 1000 students from partner universities and TAFE to join the school in its inaugural year. You go, Sydney.

Via SMH.

Published on June 23, 2016 by Marissa Ciampi
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