This Is How You Take Care of Parking

Japan's parking garages are sophisticated, space-smart and should be adopted in more places around the world.
Jasmine Crittenden
Published on May 24, 2015

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This article is part of our series on the 17 most unique things to have come out of Japan. Check out the other 16.

Australia sure could take a leaf out of Japan’s book on the parking front. As we circle around the inner city, seeking out a spot that lasts more than an hour but costs less than $40, Japanese drivers simply drive onto a platform, jump out and watch their car disappear into an enormous garage.

Japan is home to some of the most sophisticated, space-smart and convenient parking on the planet. Their automated garages are structured like multi-storey car parks, in the sense that they provide space for hundreds of cars stacked vertically. But the difference is that, instead of driving in (and round and round), you deposit your car at the entrance and then leave it to be parked automatically.

The beauty of this system is that no space is wasted. There’s no need for ramps, lanes, walkways and staircases, and ceiling height is kept to a minimum.

And it’s not just cars getting such good facilities. Bicycles have their own automated parking, too, with some big enough to hold as many 6,000. To access the parking regularly, bike owners must register and pay $24 per month. It’s a pretty small price for not having to worry about the hassle of finding a spot or guarding against theft.

Published on May 24, 2015 by Jasmine Crittenden
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