Free Oat Milk Lattes by Minor Figures

For just one day, Minor Figures is taking over Smith Street's Skydiver Records to give away free oat lattes.
Andrew Zuccala
Published on June 18, 2024


If you live or work around Smith Street Collingwood, pay attention. For just one day this Thursday, June 20, Minor Figures team is giving away free oat lattes to anyone who rocks up to its pop-up at Skydiver Records.

Simply head on over, order your brew, and walk away without paying. There's no catch. The baristas won't ask for your personal data, nor get you to sign up to a newsletter.

Minor Figures Free Coffee on Smith Street

The one-day pop-up is part of the brand's new campaign that champions the fact that Minor Figures oat milk is made in Victoria from 100-percent Australian oats.

While you're waiting for your cup of joe to be made, you can flip through Skydiver's impressive selection of records and listen to some great tunes. What a way to start the day!

Minor Figures Free Coffee on Smith Street

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