Golden Chat: Our Readers Recommend Their Best Conversation Starters For Your Next Group Hangout

Want to dig a little deeper with your closest mates? These conversation starters have you covered.
Concrete Playground
Published on August 25, 2022

In partnership with

There's a reason conversation is referred to as an art. It's not an exact science, for starters, but when done properly it's something that can organically take on a life of its own — it can be colourful, inspiring, thought-provoking and radical.

Whether you're a veritable Caravaggio of conversation or you've not quite nailed your chat game just yet, interesting — and, yes, provocative — conversation prompts can go a long way to you uncovering more about people you think you already might know so well.

Inspired by our upcoming event The Slow Lounge in partnership with American Honey, we put out a call to you, our readers, to reveal your favourite conversation starters — and we're delighted to report that you did not disappoint. Sure, not all of these will be appropriate for every situation (who's your favourite Muppet? might not be a solid opener for your future mother-in-law), but here are some of your go-to catalysts for good chat.


What makes you happy?

Would you rather be a metre taller or a metre shorter?

What's the weirdest thing you've ever eaten?

What's been the best part of your day so far?

What is a language you love to listen to, even if you don't speak or understand it?

Instead of "What's been happening?", ask "What's the most important thing happening in your life right now?"

If you could go back and change one decision you've made in your life, what would it be and why?

Who's your favourite Muppet?

What's the most outrageous thing you've done in your life?

What food best describes your personality?

What song describes your life to now?

Who would you least like to get stuck with in an elevator?

What's your favourite cocktail?

What has been the best thing about emerging out of COVID-19 hibernation?

What are your three favourite vegetables?

If you could be a fruit, what fruit would you be and why?

What's something about you that people are surprised about when they first hear it?

What is something about yourself that you love?

What is your fondest live music memory?

What is your favourite Arnott's biscuit?

What do you want to achieve this year?

What's been the best moment of your week?

When was the last time you built a Lego set? What was it and what have you done with it since?

If you were sent to Antarctica and could only take one person and two objects, who and what would you take?

If a squirrel could talk do you think it would have a really high voice or a really low voice?

Who would play you in a movie about you?


For more inspo on how to create your own golden moments with mates, head to the American Honey website.

Top image: Cottonbro (Pexels)

Published on August 25, 2022 by Concrete Playground
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