Face Masks Will Be Mandatory Again in Greater Brisbane for the Next Three Days

They're coming back into effect with the city's new three-day lockdown, which starts at 5pm on Monday, March 29.
Sarah Ward
Published on March 29, 2021

In a bid to contain the latest coronavirus outbreak, the Queensland Government is mandating the wearing of masks across Greater Brisbane for at least the next three days. That spans the Brisbane, Logan, Ipswich, Moreton and Redlands local government areas, running from 5pm on Monday, March 29 until 5pm on Thursday, April 1.

The move is being implemented in tandem with a three-day lockdown in the same areas, with Brisbanites required to don a mask everywhere in those areas for the three days other than if you're inside your own home. And yes, this is exactly what happened in the same area back in January — including both the stay-at-home period and the mask mandate.

After discussing the new lockdown at a press conference today, Monday, March 29, Queensland Chief Health Officer Dr Jeannette Young said "then the other requirement is could everyone please wear masks." She continued: "so in greater Brisbane, that's for everywhere that you're indoors unless you're in a single room by yourself. Of course, not in your own home, but if you're elsewhere.... It is again important to wear a mask when you go to the shopping centre, when you are on public transport, when you are in a ride share car — please wear a mask."

People affected by a medical condition are exempt from the mask rule, as are children under 12 — and you're also allowed to temporarily remove your mask for eating and drinking, and if it's necessary for your job.

With a lockdown in effect during the same period, and the Greater Brisbane region returning to the rules in place for three days back in January, that means you're only allowed to leave the house — wearing a mask, of course — for four reasons. So, you can only head out for work or education if you can't do that at home, for essential shopping, for exercise in your local area, and for health care or to provide support for a vulnerable person.

Face masks will be mandatory in the Greater Brisbane area from 5pm on Monday, March 29. For more information about the status of COVID-19 in Queensland, head to the QLD COVID-19 hub and the Queensland Health website. More details about the lockdown, masks and associated restrictions can also be found on the Queensland Health website.

Published on March 29, 2021 by Sarah Ward
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