Seven Easy Wins to Make Your Life That Little Bit Better, Part 3

From potluck dinners to dodging your crowded weekday commute.
Erina Starkey
Published on October 12, 2018

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You're busy, we get it. You've got work to do, friends to see, grandparents to call and a pile of dirty clothes which won't wash itself. Sounds like you are in need of a refresh, my friend. And, no, that doesn't mean you have to find a new job, give up lactose or join the F45 cult — nothing that drastic. All it takes is a few little changes — some minor tweaks — and you can get a whole lot more out of your week.

We've put our heads together with our mates at Coopers Dry to bring you seven easy wins to help get you inspired and feeling great all week long.cp-line

Emily Davies.


After spending all morning staring at a screen, eating your lunch al desko can be downright depressing, or, if you get crumbs all over your keyboard, totally infuriating. With spring now in full swing, why not bundle up your tucker and take it to the park. Trust us, even a sad sandwich tastes better in the sun. Not only will you get a good dose of vitamin D, but taking the lunchbox away from the inbox can do a world of good for your mental health, helping you stay happy and productive all afternoon. If you're super keen, pack a blanket, cutlery and a thermos of iced tea and have a legit picnic — it'll feel like you're on a mini-holiday from work and that's a massive win.



Are you looking to win friends and influence people? Forget reading that self-help book, bake cookies instead. An offering of soft-centred biscuits can be a great way to fast track your relationships, whether it's with new colleagues, disgruntled housemates or noise-complaining neighbours. Just a simple plate of chocolate-studded rounds can convey a range of sentiments, from "sorry for downloading that virus on your computer" to "thanks for not shutting down my 3am kick ons". As well as filling the home with delicious vanilla and choc smells, an evening of baking can be highly therapeutic after a long day at work. As can eating the raw dough, a very easy win.



While it may ensure you get your toe in the door exactly on time, catching the 8.13am train to work can make for a pretty stressful start to the day. Lengthy queues, crowded platforms and people encroaching on personal space is enough to put anyone in a snarky mood. Instead, try switching up your commute and catch a less-packed earlier or later service. Not only will you score a seat for your troubles, but you'll also have a quicker trip. And, depending on what time you hop on, it'll be cheaper, too. Opal, myki and Go cards all offer off-peak discounts. cp-line


Who said breakfast in bed was just for loved-up couples or mums on Mother's Day — we can all get in on the action. Instead of sitting in the kitchen like a schmuck, take that fresh fruit salad back to your kingdom of cushions for the horizontal brekkie that you know you deserve. You don't need an excuse. It doesn't have to be a special occasion (Thursday is good enough) nor an elaborate breakfast, in fact, it might be a little easier on the sheets if you go for a vegemite toast rather than full-on egg soldiers. And, as a pleasant side effect, you might even find it's easier to get up in the morning knowing that there's always the possibility to get back in. cp-line


Need to unwind after an exhausting week? Nothing says complete and utter relaxation like a movie marathon. While you could always head out to a ticketed showing, what's even easier and cheaper is to host one yourself. Not only have you got the obvious trackie pants advantage, but you also get to choose what you watch or don't watch. That means you can enjoy all of the Star Wars films sans The Phantom Menace because no one needs to sit through that — pick and choose as you please. We suggest whipping out some classics, like Home Alone, Independence Day (trust us) or The Breakfast Club because everybody loves a bit of cheese.



Dinner parties are magnificent things. There's nothing more glorious than tucking into a homemade meal with friends, exchanging stories through mouthfuls of mash and enjoying ice-cold beers straight from the fridge. What's not so great is crafting the dinner party menu, shopping and paying for the ingredients, then spending your day cooking like crazy until you're too stressed out to enjoy your own flambéed crepes. To share the love (and cooking load), host a potluck dinner party, where everyone contributes a dish. It's a great way to experience a whole bunch of different cuisines and cooking styles. Just grab a case of beers, and you're all set.



No more excuses, it's time for a good old fashioned spring clean. Not only will you find a multitude of long-lost chargers, but you might even find your sanity along the way — you'll be surprised how truly free you will feel after untangling those cables. If you can't decide whether or not to keep those ski pants that've been collecting dust for the past five years, consider the KonMari method: hold the item close to you and ask, "does this spark joy in my heart?". It's a surefire way to get rid of any unnecessary items (which you should then take to a charity shop). Having a cold hard look at your hoarding habits might just inspire you to start consuming a little more responsibly, which is always a good thing. Pro tip: if you need a little bit of motivation, it never hurts to get your best four-legged friend involved. It's a proven fact that pooches help calm the nerves. So when it all seems a bit overwhelming, pause for some pats and break it down area by area.


Kick off your 'easy wins' by enjoying a Coopers Dry, or two, with your mates.

Published on October 12, 2018 by Erina Starkey
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