You Can Win Tickets to Taronga Zoo's Epic 100th Birthday Bash

Happy birthday Taronga!
Tom Clift
Published on February 05, 2016

Taronga Zoo is turning one hundred this year, and to celebrate they're throwing a party. A big one. With lions. And tigers. And quite possibly bears. But this isn't a party that just anyone can get in to. No, this is a party to which you need to be invited. Luckily for animal lovers, the zoo has just launched its official 'birthday ballot', with 5000 tickets up for grabs. To get your name in the draw, all you need to do is signup via this link.

Go ahead. We'll just amuse ourselves with this panda until you get back.

Panda Gif

"Our birthday party will be a milestone day to celebrate 100 years of bringing people and wildlife together," said Taronga CEO Cameron Kerr. "There will be special experiences with our amazing animals, unique presentations and more to enjoy. It will be an unforgettable day!"

The birthday bash will take place on Friday October 7, marking one hundred years to the day since the zoo first opened in Mosman. The winners of the ballot will be announced by mid-August. If you miss out, or just can't wait that long, the zoo is also offering $1 entry to anyone who visits on their birthday.

If you need any more convincing, Taronga's brand new baby meerkats will probably be there and look like this:


Images: Dollar Photo Club, Taronga Zoo.

Published on February 05, 2016 by Tom Clift
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