For caffeine drinkers, a good cup of coffee is a surefire way to put a smile on that dial and a bounce in that step. And this month, renowned local coffee roaster Axil is tapping into those happy feels, spreading good cheer and free coffee for Random Acts of Kindness Week. A whole lotta free coffee, in fact.
From Monday, February 13–Friday, February 17, Axil — also home of the 2022 World Barista Champion — will be handing out a hefty 25,000 free coffee cards. Each one entitles the recipient to a complimentary cuppa, redeemable at any of Axil's many outposts.
James Butler
The team will be popping up at various landmarks across the CBD to hand out the cards throughout the week, dropping daily clues on Axil's social channels to give you a chance at scouting them out.
The roaster is unleashing the freebies with the support of dairy company Riverina Fresh and the crew behind I Am Not Paper plant-based coffee cups. Keep an eye out to nab yourself a free cuppa — or you could always keep the kindness rolling and give your card to a mate.
Images: James Butler
Monday, February 13, 2023 - Friday, February 17, 2023
Monday, February 13 - Friday, February 17, 2023
Various Melbourne locationsMelbourne