Travel & Leisure

Ball Pit Party

Prepare to dive into an adult playground filled with one million balls.
By Jasmine Crittenden
July 09, 2018

Sat, Oct 27, 2018

Saturday, October 27, 2018


Space 338

338 Queensberry Street, North Melbourne
Buy Tickets

One of Sydney Festival 2017's most Instagrammed events was The Beach, an enormous ball pit inside a human-made cave, as created by Brooklyn-based design studio Snarkitecture. Tonnes of the city's residents spent at least some part of January diving, cannonballing and floating about in a sea of plastic bliss. Understandably.

Thankfully, Melbourne got its own pop-up ball pit earlier this year — this behemoth, one-million ball, ball pit party. It sold out, and now it's returning just in time for Halloween. Like last time, it will be divided up into several spaces creating a kind of playground. There'll also be an on-site cocktail bar, to let you rest and refuel in between dips and dives.

The ball pit will pop up in North Melbourne on Saturday, October 27 from 1pm till 1am. Entry will be via ticket, which will entitle you to two hours of playtime. The ball pit folk have gotten into the festival spirit this time round, too, and will be hiding $1000 throughout the ball pit. If you're keen to find it, we suggest booking into one of the earlier sessions.

Anyone keen to attend between 1pm and 3pm can add some extra fun to their ball pit experience: a two-long bottomless prosecco and pizza session. Tickets including food and drinks cost $55, with only 200 available. A tip: you might want to go easy on the jumping around after getting your fill of eats and bubbles.

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