Event Collingwood

Chicken & Gamay

Blackhearts & Sparrows and Morgan McGlone are throwing a party to celebrate a perfect food and booze pairing — chicken and gamay wine.
Libby Curran
September 01, 2022


Forget about cheese and chardonnay, or vodka and caviar — this month, Blackhearts & Sparrows wants to put a new must-try food and booze pairing on your radar. The boutique drinks shop is throwing a party dedicated to the perfect partnership of chicken and gamay.

On Sunday, September 11, you're invited to celebrate this dynamic duo with an all-day tasting fest at Blackhearts' event space Perry's. And manning the rotisserie, you'll catch none other than certified chicken king, Morgan McGlone — cofounder of Belle's Hot Chicken and the mind behind Sydney's roast chook haven Sunday.


To match the plates of juicy chicken (or mushrooms, if that's your jam) that'll be flying hot off the coals, Blackhearts is pulling together an equally juicy lineup of gamay wines to showcase on the day. A bunch of local producers will be coming in to pour you their latest iterations of the French variety, starring alongside plenty of beaujolais and wines from across the Loire Valley.

Tickets are $45, which'll get you a plate of food, plus tastings of all the day's wines. You'll be able to purchase more wines from the bar, too.


Top Image: Ollie Hodgkins



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