
A night of love songs and storytelling from the likes of Marieke Hardy and Tim Rogers.
Meg Watson
Published on March 10, 2014


If there's any music that takes its roots in storytelling, it's the love song. Just ask Taylor Swift. Except don't. You'll never hear the end of it. Instead, head along to Donkey Wheel House for this one-off hybrid event of music, writing and performance. Presented by Red Stitch, PLAYlist is an evening dedicated to love, its stories, and its many forms.

The idea is this: writers select a love song and write a short play about it which can only go as long as the song. These are then performed by an ensemble cast of Red Stitch regulars and special guests. The writers on hand include Dean Bryant, Marieke Hardy, Michele Lee, Joanna Murray-Smith and Tim Rogers; and Missy Higgins is even heading along for a top-secret surprise. Though we don't yet know what songs will be included, the taste of those involved is sure to guarantee a good time.

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