The NSW Government Wants Your Feedback on the Lockout Laws
Love 'em or hate 'em, it's time to put pen to paper.
We've had rallies, we've had op-eds and we've even had a crowdfunded documentary made about Sydney's lockout laws. But now it seems as though the NSW Government is set to seriously take public opinion into consideration, launching an independent review into the impact of liquor law reforms. Now's the time to take to the keyboard and tell them how you really feel.
It's super easy to do too. Just email the review at with your feedback. If you're not a big writer, no worries — the submissions should be short and to the point, and outline how you are affected by the lockout laws. Including any links or references to relevant research, statistics and data is highly encouraged, but if you're just a punter unhappy with how things are going, that's worthy of submission too. Just remember, this is a formal submission so be sure to mention if you'd like it to remain confidential. If you'd like to brush up on the facts, this Background Paper outlines many of the issues put forward for stakeholder and public comment and is worth a gander.
Though the review has made a formal request for submissions, the review has, not surprisingly, been kept pretty quiet. Luckily, you still have time to get nice and loud about it — submissions are due no later than April 4. That's this coming Monday, people. Get writing.
Kudos to everyone that was part of the February Keep Sydney Open Rally which, in a big way, helped prompt this review. Keep Sydney Open has also been invited to take part in a series of roundtable discussions, where different organisations will have their say on Sydney's nightlife economy.
Whether you're an affected business owner, a supporter of the Keep Sydney Open movement or just an interested community member — for or against the lockouts — it's important to have your opinion known. Let's make some noise.
Image: Kimberley Low.