Do Good Dating: Tree Planting

Let love take root.
Laetitia Laubscher
Published on July 28, 2015


Have you ever wanted to do more good things for the world while also possibly falling in love with other people doing good things? Well, come Sunday August 2nd, you could do exactly that out on Motuihe Island planting trees and throwing flirty glances at a pack of 99 others thanks to the new Auckland-based dating initiative Do Good Dating.

Do Good Dating emerged as the brainchild of Dan Drupsteen (Live More Awesome co-founder), Alice Harbourne (Dish digital editor) and Fiona Kerr (Dish senior designer) after they realised how hard it is to find someone in this city without reverting to sweaty dance floors, Tinder or your mum's well-meaning help. They also saw a shortage of helping hands in the charity circuit, so decided to address both those gaps in the market with dating events which connect people to each other and good causes.

The cost for day of tree planting will include all tools and equipment, a nice BBQ lunch and all the water, tea and coffee you'd like.

Places are limited to 100. RSVP here.


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