Sweet Talks: A City That Moves

A moving chat about our city feat. dessert.
Laetitia Laubscher
Published on August 10, 2015


Because sitting in a stuffy library or town hall munching on slightly crusty chicken mayo sandwiches while discussing ways to make the world a better place is less than inspiring, the folk at Ceremony have teamed up with Rebecca Mills, founder of The B Team alongside with Sir Richard Branson and others, to create an interesting conversation series which promises to fill your minds as well as your stomachs with goodness. On August 12, Sweet Talks will take on the topic of Auckland transport.

It's a key, memorable initiation for any Auckland outsider to experience a 5pm crawl on one of the two highways named after cardinal directions while contemplating the boredom-invoked facial expressions of strangers sitting across from them for an hour or more; and it's one that gets old pretty quickly. It's only getting worse too.

So, it's about time we had a conversation about it and everything else concerning our city's transport – looking at everything from our carbon footprint, to planning our transport infrastructure in the face of an ever-increasing population as well as how we'll need to adapt to climate change a little later on.

The night will be topped off with dessert will be provided by chef Sonia Haumonte of Vaniye Patisserie, one of our favourite places for dessert in town.

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