Australian Artist Creates Perfume You Can Swallow
A scent that is not applied but taken as a pill.
Melbourne Street Artist Creates Australia’s Largest Paste-Up
A Melbourne street artist has transformed the exterior of a product design company.
NYC Garbage Sold As Art
Justin Gignac's success in selling garbage as art is proof you can sell anything that is packaged nicely.
Interview /// Concrete Playground meets webuyyourkids
Kirstie Sequitin talks to Sonny Day head of their appearance at Semi-Permanent.
Improv Everywhere Causes a Scene in New York
Their eighth mp3 experiment proves we've come a long way since the Napster debacle of the early noughties.
Random Acts of Kindness in Sydney
For his new artwork Acts of Kindness, UK artist Michael Landy is collecting stories of Sydney's random acts of kindness.
This Is Not Art Festival Saved
This Is Not Art is the dream that keeps us trudging through winter each year. Except that, for a moment there, it looked like this year's festival wouldn't happen.
Chris Jordan’s Rubbish Photography
Artist Chris Jordan takes everyday items and scary statistics to make some thought-provoking digital photographs.
Text-Me-Up! The Art of Text Messages
British artist Tracey Moberley works in the medium of texts.
Blacktown City Art Prize Calls For Entries
Need help funding your art habit? Blacktown Council can help.
Win a Double Pass to Graphic Festival
Meet the man behind the myth in his first Australian appearance.
Pictures of Pictures from the Past in the Present
A sense of pure nostalgia and a chance to look at time passing right before your eyes.
Chewing Gum Turned into Miniature Works of Art
A London artist is using chewing gum stuck to the ground as his street art canvas.
Pencil vs. Camera Project: New Additions from West Africa
Sketched possibilities meet vibrant photography in Ben Heine's Pencil vs. Camera project.
Art Installations Immerse Viewers in Vibrant Colour
Intense combinations of colour and real-world light phenomena create a mind-blowing visual spectacle.
Art/Work Interview with Keg de Souza
This week Art/Work sits down for a cuppa with artist Keg de Souza. Keg is one cool little lady who never fails to have her fingers in every pie.
Win One of Five Passes to Semi-Permanent Sydney
We're partnering with Semi-Permanent again this year and have 5 x two-day passes to give away (worth $310 each).
Paint Your Running Route with GPS Technology
Running routes recorded with GPS technology are transformed into dynamic, digital artworks.
Sydney Brewery Given New Life as a Canvas for Artists
Work from Brook Andrew, Mikala Dwyer, Claire Healy & Sean Cordiero and Caroline Rothwell features in Sydney's new public art project.
Art/Work Interview with Kate Mitchell
This week we speak with Kate Mitchell, a Sydney-based endurance artist represented by Chalk Horse. She is also one half of the paper cut crazy duo, Greedy Hen.
Vivid Let Loose Their Plans For Creative Sydney 2011
Vivid Creative Sydney has just been announced, with over 50 creative leaders lined up to keep you inspired and full of ideas.
Art/Work Interview with Mitch Cairns
Art/Work is a new series where we take some time out to chat with our local creatives in an attempt to unravel the daily grind behind being an artist.
Spreading Happiness with the SF Mirrors Project
The SF Mirrors Project aims to spread confidence and happiness to the people of San Francisco.
Bespoken Art Puts Voice to Canvas
Bespoken Art captures the sound waves of your voice and creates a unique piece of artwork.
Honouring Titanic’s 100th Anniversary
A monument will be erected in memory of the 100th anniversary of the Titanic.
Madrid’s Street Ad Takeover
Street ad takeover in Madrid was short-lived but stressed the disruption of the monopoly of the advertising world.
Denis Smith’s Great Balls of Light
Australian artist Denis Smith is a professional light painter whose Ball of Light project combines traditional long exposure photography with continuous movements of lights directed by the artist.
Underwater Art Hopes to Regenerate Coral Reefs
Underwater artwork helps repair and preserve threatened coral reefs.
Art With Heart: Artists Get Creative for Good Causes
Artists and the internet combine to raise money for good causes.
BMW Art Cars Head Home
BMW Art Cars unite in Munich to celebrate the collection's 35th anniversary.
Maps Rescued and Repackaged as Art
Artist Matthew Cusick rescues a dead medium from the landfill to create beautiful and intricate collages.
Sylvester Stallone Stirs Up The Art World
Sylvester Stallone releases a collection of artwork in Switzerland.
Wake Up and Smell the Books at MoMA
Pick up your favourite old classic or buy something new, curl up wherever you are with a cup of coffee, and nuzzle your nose between the pages.
Surreal Images Caused by Google Earth Glitches
These dream-like pictures look as though they could be from the set of Inception, but they're actually screenshots from Google Earth
Participate in a Global Art Project and Help Turn The World Inside Out
Semi-anonymous street artist JR has won the 2011 TED Award and is appealing to you, the public, to help him turn the world inside out.
Corinne Vionnet’s Photo Opportunities Capture the Tourist Experience
Thousand's of observations from the tourist paparazzi come together in single, haunting images.
Artsicle: An Original Artwork Rental Scheme
A new scheme running in New York let's you road test your art before you make a lifetime's commitment to it.