• News

    You Can Now Order Takeaway Using A Single Emoji

    It doesn't get much more convenient than this.

  • News

    Australia's New ISP Will Do the Geododging for You

    No VPN needed. That goes for US Netflix, HBO Now, Amazon Prime, BBC iPlayer et al.

  • News

    Someone Has Invented Hands-Free Tinder to Make Dating Even Lazier

    This new smartwatch app swipes right for you by measuring your heart rate.

  • News

    The Five Best Apps for Craft Beer Obsessives

    Imagine just being able to look at a drink and know exactly whether you'll like it or not. Well your phone can.

  • News

    This New Smart Oven Uses Image Recognition to Perfectly Cook Your Food

    Say hello to June, your new kitchen robot overlord.

Latest Guides
  • News

    Apple Launches Music Streaming Service to Rival Spotify and Pandora

    Yes, you can ask Siri to play her favourite Kendrick Lamar song.

  • News

    Charge Your Phone Through Your Desk with Intel's New Wireless Tech

    The American technology giant is getting rid of your clunky charger.

  • News

    Pinterest Has Finally Added a 'Buy It' Button for Shopping Online

    All those '50s dresses, ceramic tea-sets and bunting strings you've pinned? 'Buy it.'

  • News

    What Will Museums Look Like in the Future?

    We time travel with Seb Chan, the former Sydneysider who's leading digital developments at New York's forward-thinking Cooper-Hewitt, Smithsonian Design Museum.

  • News

    You'll Soon Be Able to Watch Virtual Reality Videos on YouTube

    Video streaming is about to get significantly more in-face.

  • News

    Spotify Can Now Sync Your Music to Your Running Pace

    Blending your listening history with new specially-created tracks, it's like your own personal exercise DJ.

  • News

    Instagram Launches Official Music Account

    The photo sharing app has moved into curated content.

  • News

    GoPro Is Moving into Virtual Reality

    Extreme sport videos are about to get way more immersive.

  • News

    Google Could Turn Your Home and Office Walls into Screens

    Don't like the weather outside? Switch over to the Scenery Channel.

  • News

    New App Flags Your Embarrassing Posts Before the World Sees Them

    Created by a guy who got fired from Jeb Bush's political campaign after a Twitter shaming.

  • News

    Google Has Made Your Entire Search History Available Online

    Probably the last tool you'd want to use on Google.

  • News

    Dallas Buyers Club Decision: Is Hollywood About to Knock Down Your Door?

    We might be about to start pirating less. But it's not because of yesterday's Federal Court decision.

  • News

    You Can Play Pac-Man on Google Maps Right Now

    Google's April Fool's Easter egg will have you running from ghosts in your neighbourhood.

  • News

    This Device Fights Fire With Bass

    Said extinguisher can also put out fire in space.

  • News

    Elon Musk Is Actually Testing Hyperloop Transport Now

    The pressurised tube that promises to shoot you from LA to San Fran in 35 minutes.

  • News

    Instagram's New Collage App Layout Will Make Your Feed More Creative

    Finally, Instagram has its own cut and paste tool.

  • News

    This New Website Literally Tells Your Enemies to Eat a Bag of Dicks

    If you've ever wanted to subtly tell someone to to EABOD, this is it.

  • News

    Ikea Furniture Will Soon Be Able to Wirelessly Charge Your Smartphone

    The Swedish furniture giants are bringing wireless charging technology home.

  • News

    How Did Pebble's Latest Smartwatch Smash Kickstarter Records?

    Not the prettiest smartwatch around, so how did they nail it?

  • News

    This New App Can Tell You Which Friend Stresses You Out Most

    Want to surround yourself with positive people? There's an app for that.

  • News

    Build Your Own Smartphone With Google's Project Ara

    Pick and choose the components of your phone. Nice one, Google.

  • News

    Ship Your Enemies Glitter From This Vengeful New Website

    Using the "herpes of the craft world" as a weapon.

  • News

    Eight Gadgets Attempting to Improve Your Life in 2015

    Post-CES 2015, we're keen for our belts to tighten, plants to water and kettles to boil themselves.

  • News

    New Instagram Camera Takes Polaroid Full Circle

    It's ridiculous, pretty and we want one.

  • News

    This Cluey New App Knows Which Beer or Wine You’ll Like Before You Do

    Like Spotify for booze, the app uses science to match your taste to the perfect wine.

  • News

    Your Old Mood Ring is Now Legit, Stress-Reporting Wearable Tech

    A ring that helps us de-stress? Proposal accepted.

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