• News

    NASA is Streaming the First Live HD Video From Space

    Astronomically better than anything else you're doing right now.

  • News

    Crowdfunded Solar Roadways Could Power the World

    An American couple wants to cover every inch of asphalt in the world with solar panels.

  • News

    Rent Joss Whedon’s Brand New Tribeca Film ‘In Your Eyes’ For Just Five Clams

    The Avengers director high-fived his fans worldwide by releasing the film online.

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    Scough: The Designer Scarf That Protects You from the Flu

    The Scough: an alternative to All the Oranges.

  • News

    Voice-Activated Smart BBQ Cooks Perfect Steaks When You Tell It To

    Sundays just got lazier — BBQs now come with apps.

  • News

    Craft Check App Distinguishes Between Craft Beers and Fakes

    Is that a craft beer you're drinking, or merely a crafty one?

  • News

    World’s First Flying Wind Farm Set to Launch

    It's a bird; it's a plane; no, it's a super windmill.

  • News

    New App Cloak Makes Avoiding Your ‘Friends’ Simple

    Keep your exes and frenemies at a definite distance.

  • News

    Imogen Heap Takes to Kickstarter with Computer-Controlling Mi.Mu Glove

    Right now, they make music. But soon, they could give us the home equivalent of Tony Stark's studio.

  • News

    The Imaginative Twitterature of the Twitter Fiction Festival

    A mad rush of lies, poetry and parody accounts, all under the #twitterfiction hashtag.

  • News

    Read a Thousand Page Novel in Ten Hours with New App Spritz

    Turn your uni reading list into child's play.

  • News

    New App 3nder Puts Threesomes at Your Fingertips

    Threesomes just got weirdly clinical.

  • News

    Back to the Future’s Self-Tying Laces Might Soon Be Real

    Nike is out to preserve your childhood dreams.

  • News

    Wanted: The Best Deputy Editor in the Business

    Are you an authority on pop culture, music, food, drink, events and city life?

  • News

    iTunes Radio Now Available in Australia

    But will anyone be using it?

  • News

    Facebook Turns Ten, Gifts You with a Great App and Weird Video

    You've spent nigh on ten years procrastinating on Facebook. Hooray?

  • News

    World’s Biggest Solar-Powered Bridge Launched in London

    Enough power to make 80,000 cups of tea per day.

  • News

    Could Crowdfunding Stop AIDS in Its Tracks?

    A team of US scientists wants to develop a vaccine and give it away for free.

  • News

    New Google Glass Frames Markedly Less Jarring Than the Original

    Wearable technology just got rather more wearable.

  • News

    Silic: The T-shirt That Can’t Be Stained

    Go crazy. Your Silic self-cleaning T-shirt won't even notice.

  • News

    Plants: The Lightbulbs of the Future?

    Avatar's glowing forest could become real in your living room.

  • News

    World’s First Kitchen-Ready 3D Food Printer Is Coming

    Become a pastry chef at the push of a button.

  • News

    A Slo-Mo Water Show, Care of Superhydrophobia

    Water-repelling coatings make for a liquid ballet.

  • News

    London to See World’s First Edible Firework Display This NYE

    Could this inspire Australia's first ever case of firework envy?

  • News

    Tech Gets Accessible with Kano, the Computer Anyone Can Make

    Take your IT skills beyond 'have you tried restarting it?'.

  • News

    Yourfork Wants to Let You Order Home-Cooked Food from Your Neighbours

    Hooking up the home cooks and the take-out fiends.

  • News

    How Soon Until We Can Taste the Internet?

    Engineers have new technologies to tickle the tastebuds.

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