Uneasy Futures

Do you have an uncomfortable feeling about tomorrow? The Performance Space's Uneasy Futures season shares your dread.
Zacha Rosen
Published on April 09, 2011


Does the future bother you? Does the prospect of things to come fill you with an unspecified sense of dread and foreboding? Or do you look at the future rather with a sense of optimism and easy anticipation? Whatever your untold horror of the coming world, the Performance Space's Uneasy Futures season of forward-looking work takes all of these things to heart, regarding the future with a circumspect, eager eye.

Spanning the duration of the season, Awfully Wonderful is an experimental exhibition which brings you regular in-exhibit performance art and random inhabitants, as well as offering regular speakers, performers and film slipped into the Performance Space's regular Clubhouse program. Briwyant is a dance piece that crosses Yolngu dreaming with the domesticity of the Inner West, while Dean Walsh's Fathom juxtaposes dance with the environment's future while utilising his scuba-diving past life, live on stage. The season's drama offering is The Disappearances Project, a collaboration with Version 1.0 fresh from Bathurst. A play which plays on life without loved ones, and what life is like when you're the one searching for a missing person.


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