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Forget Aerogard, This Beer Carton is Also a Mosquito Repellent

Your summer BBQ just got a lot less sticky.

Meg Watson
October 21, 2014


Mozzie repellent really puts a dampener on any summer BBQ. Literally. It's potent and poisonous stench clings to your clothing and gives your skin a sickly sticky glow. It's helpful, sure. We'd much rather have this slight inconvenience than let evil little bugs suck our blood and keep us up all night itching. But now someone has given us the best of both worlds. This new beer carton, a staple at any summer fun you were already having, also functions as a mosquito repellent.

Conceived by Australian creative company GPY&R, this cardboard beer carton is currently on a limited run in Papua New Guinea. Made for SP Lager, a brand owned by Heineken, the cardboard casing is laced with eucalyptus oil to keep mozzies at bay. To unleash the full effect, the box must be burned — an easy feat for the PNG locals who often drink around bonfires.

For them, mozzie repellent is much more than an annoying afterthought. Malaria is an enormous problem in the area and there are up to 1.8 million suspected cases reported each year. "If we're honest, we're not going to solve malaria with cartons of beer but we are going to raise awareness of the issue," said GPY&R manager Phil McDonald.

Though the boxes have been launched as a limited edition item in PNG, those behind the project say they haven't ruled out the possibility to launching the product in Australia. "We're not as liberal with the burning of fires as our friends in PNG. We'd have to get the innovation hat on and think of something different, but it's not out of the realms of possibility," McDonald said.

I think we speak for the rest of Australia when we say, yes please absolutely do that. Summer is sneaking up on us, we're staying out later and drinking a few more beers. Our concerns are absolutely first-world problems (especially when compared to those facing the very real threat of malaria) but we'd really like our skin to remain unbitten this year. Plus, it's always nice to have a valid excuse to buy a slab.

Via Good Food.