Tap Gallery Theatre is Closing Until Further Notice

Sad times for indie theatre.

Meg Watson
Published on November 02, 2014

As always, it's a rough time for those involved in local, independent theatre. The intimate, upstairs theatre at the Tap Gallery in Darlinghurst will be closed from November 5 until further notice. What started as a complaint about fire safety in July, then turned into a council problem. The theatre space never actually received approval to open and now owners need to lodge a development application as well as provide disability access.

"We are all terribly upset, but our duty of care towards our patrons and their guests requires that we close the space while we assess our options," reads a statement on the venue's website. "Meantime, our good friends at Sydney City Council are working with us to investigate and resolve a way forward."

The venue has been home to a few very successful shows recently, and the news comes as a shock to those in the industry. Audiences were packed into the 50-seat space just a few months ago for Lobby Hero and Penelope. The theatre had further shows lined up including Playing Rock Hudson which was due to open on November 6. All upcoming productions have since been cancelled.

"We had heard the rumours, but had been assured by the venue that they would not be closed," the show's artistic director told SMH. "I think Sydney needs to take a look at its independent scene. In terms of venues, there are very few legitimate options for independent artists."

At least there's one silver lining: if you're an indie theatre producer looking for a rehearsal space, Tap is offering discount rates. The theatre is available for hire for $25 per house or $200 per day. Hopefully, there will be somewhere to actually put on the show once you're done.

Via SMH.

Published on November 02, 2014 by Meg Watson
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