News Music

Gorillaz team up with LCD Soundsystem’s James Murphy and Andre 3000 from Outkast

Converse bring together three artists on the creation of one song.

Rich Fogarty
February 24, 2012


A few years back, prior to starting Concrete Playground, I worked at a creative agency in New York. The oversized SoHo loft it was housed in was an exciting place to find yourself working each day, and things got fun when I was transferred to work on the Converse account.

One of the first big projects I was a part of in 2007-08 was a campaign called '3 Artists, 1 Song', created to celebrate the brand's centenary around the world. Pharrell Williams worked with his band, N.E.R.D, as well as The Strokes' Julian Casablancas and Santogold, on a brief to make a song as a group of artists. 'My Drive Thru' was the result.

More than four years on and the project is still going strong. LCD Soundsystem frontman James Murphy was the person whose involvement was most coveted (on our end at least) on the original project, and now he has teamed up with Gorillaz and Andre 3000 from Outkast to create 'DoYaThing'.

It's a good track, and it's free. You can get the download here.