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Try Japan's 19 Weird and Wonderful Kit Kat Flavours (If You're Game)

Edamame. Wasabi. Soy sauce?
Jasmine Crittenden
May 20, 2015

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This article is part of our series on the 17 most unique things to have come out of Japan. Check out the other 16.

In Japan, the Kit Kat is a whole new beast. Never would you imagine that four bars of wafer and chocolate could take on such a multiplicity of weird and wonderful identities.

Leading the charge is undoubtedly the edamame soybean Kit Kat. Yes, it’s green. One reviewer described it as tasting like a “not pleasant nutty” but reported that his wife found it “refreshing”. If you prefer your soy fermented rather than fresh, you can always go for the soy sauce Kit Kat. One writer reckons was extremely disappointed to discover it tastes like “maple syrup”. Also in the savoury spectrum of flavours are the wasabi, the purple sweet potato and the hot Japanese chilli.

At the same time, there’s a stack of sweet, fruity options, from citrus golden blend to pear to shinshu apple. And, if you want to save yourself boiling the jug, you can opt for a tea-flavoured Kit Kat. So far, hojicha-roasted tea and matcha-green tea are available.

All in all, there are 19 flavours of Kit Kat on the go in Japan. They’re all limited edition and not very easy to find outside of their home country.

Image: Bodo, Flickr CC.