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Sydney's Getting a Denim-Inspired Blue Algae Latte Pop-Up

For four days, Topshop's Market Street store will be serving up hot blue algae latte and iced beverages topped with baby-blue fairy floss.
Sarah Ward
April 08, 2017


Sick of staring into a mud-coloured cup of caffeine every day? Prefer your cuppa in a crisp, cool shade — the same as the jeans you're wearing, perhaps? Brightening up brews isn't a new trend, but Sydney's next pop-up is opting for a dash of denim with their coffee offering.

From 5pm to 8pm on April 13, 20 and 27, and 12pm to 3pm on April 29, Topshop's Market Street store is playing host to a blue algae latte menu — and yes, each baby blue-coloured cuppa will be whipped up by a barista wearing denim. Of course it will. They'll be available for free, but there's a catch. If you want to sip on a blue brew, you'll have to purchase denim in-store during April.

For those bulking up their wardrobe, two beverages will be on the menu: a hot blue algae latte sprinkled with blue algae powder, plus an iced blue algae latte topped with baby-blue fairy floss. Move over ice cream with fairy floss, coffee with fairy floss is now a thing.

If they sound like the kind of coffees you'll be frantically snapping as well as eagerly drinking, that's part of the plan. Unsurprisingly, Topshop is pushing the aesthetic angle pretty hard, hoping that you'll be clogging your Instagram feed with pics. Don't worry — as well as looking great, blue algae lattes are also known for their health benefits, boasting beta-carotene, antioxidants, calcium and iron in huge levels. More than carrots, blueberries, spinach and cow's milk, in fact.

Find the blue algae latter pop-up at Topshop's Market Street store from 5pm to 8pm on April 13, 20 and 27, and 12pm to 3pm on April 29. For more information, head to their Facebook page.